How you can donate and help OUR Church
As we look to expand our reach, engage within our community and beyond, we welcome you to support the work of Christ Church by praying for us and the unique ministry challenges in the north. We also gratefully accept donations to the General Fund which is used for annual expenses. Should you prefer to donate to a specific ministry, please note that in the memo section of your giving.
ways you can donate:
Donations can be dropped off Sunday morning during the service or call the church building to make other arrangements.
Donations can be sent via e-Transfer to: christchurch.thepas@gmail.com
Please use the memo section to indicate who the donation receipts are to be made out to or indicate your envelope #.
Donations can be sent by mail to:
Christ Church Anglican
P.O. Box 125, The Pas, Manitoba
Canada R9A 1K3