We aim to help all people grow their relationship with our Creator and with one another through a variety of ways. We hope that you will join us when and where you feel most comfortable, even if you are of another faith background or don't yet have a relationship with Christ. More opportunities for gathering will be added, so please check-in often or contact us for more information.
Pastoral Care
We are all in need of support from time to time and as The Reverend Maureen and Layreader Diane Commodore make themselves available to help provide care to those who feel they are in need. You can call the church office 204-623-2119 or send us an inquiry below.

Sunday School
Sundays during the 10:30 am service
Christ Church Sunday School invites children 3 and up to learn about God’s love through bible stories, songs, games, crafts, and prayer. The curriculum is a One Room Sunday School called Celebrate Wonder for ages 3-12.
Connie at 204-620-5152 for more information.
Left-Handed Blessings
A.K.A: Shawl Ministry | Resuming Tuesdays in the Fall at the Church Hall
Every 5th Tuesday we try to host a movie. Bring your own supplies or use what we have available here! If you have questions, call Maureen at 204-623-2119.
We began a knitting group in the spring of 2011, naming our "mission", Left-Handed Blessings, not just because the founders of the group are left-handed, but because when we give a gift with the left hand, it is a gift from the heart. Some of the shawls (and other knit goods) stay in our area; the rest travel all around the world, each on their own journey of caring and compassionate love.
As we work, we pray; as we pray, those prayers are woven into the items and are a product of our love, empowered for health, hope, and healing.

Women's Ministry
Women of faith discover a fresh and biblically-solid perspective on how women in the Bible respond to challenges, take bold actions to bring about justice, and overcome significant social limitations while exploring leadership, character, and the role of women in God's plan of salvation.
We aim to gather on a monthly basis to lift up and encourage one another in our faith. Watch our events page for more details.
Resuming Tuesdays in the Fall at the Church Hall
Soup & Sandwich Lunch
Monthly | Resuming in the fall
We host a monthly soup & sandwich lunch in the church hall, open to everyone. Includes soup, sandwich, dessert & beverage.
Adults: $10 | Children: $5 | Under 4: Free

The Red Mailbox
Fighting Period Poverty
Our Red Mailbox to Fight Period Poverty is up and full of free women’s hygiene products, for anyone who can’t afford them, donated by people who can. They are free - no questions asked and there are even brown paper bags to take them home in. We can do this together.
Hall Rental
We have room to help you host a wonderful event. Tables and chairs to seat 70-80 people and a large, health inspected kitchen for preparing food. Our building is also set up with Starlink internet for fast service.
Jo-Anne Milner, Parish Manager at 204-620-0091‬ or by email christchurch.thepas@gmail.com for booking or more information.